Terms and Conditions of Service

ProTalent Hub Terms and Conditions of Service

1. General Terms of Service By enrolling in ProTalent Hub, the Client agrees to abide by all studio policies outlined in this Contract. The Studio reserves the right to modify these terms at its discretion, with any updates communicated in writing. Continued participation in Studio activities following any updates constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

2. Payment Policy All payments must be made in advance of scheduled sessions. Invoices will specify the payment due date, and failure to pay by the deadline may result in the cancellation of the Client's scheduled classes. A late payment fee of $35 may be applied. Auto-payments are set up every 4 weeks and will continue until a cancellation request is processed. If payment is not received at least 24 hours before the lesson, the student will be removed from the schedule, and the lesson time may be forfeited. Outstanding balances must be cleared before further lessons can be scheduled. If you received a promotional discount for the first month, your second month will automatically return to the regular price.

3. Cancellation, Grace period, Late Arrivals and Refund Policy Cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled session to qualify for a full refund. Cancellations made within 48 hours are non-refundable. For Private classes, make-up lessons can be scheduled for a fee of $35 per session in addition to regular lessons. There are no make-up lessons for group classes. Refunds will be processed within 5-10 business days following a valid cancellation request.

3a Grace Period: A grace period of up to 15 minutes will be permitted for late arrivals to scheduled lessons. If the student arrives within this grace period, the lesson may proceed for the remainder of the scheduled time. However, the lesson will still conclude at the originally scheduled end time. Late arrivals exceeding the grace period may result in forfeiture of the lesson, without any entitlement to a refund or rescheduling, unless otherwise agreed upon by the instructor or school.

3b Late Arrival: In the event a student arrives late, the lesson will commence upon the student's arrival and will be conducted for the remainder of the scheduled time. No additional time will be provided beyond the originally scheduled end time to compensate for the late arrival. The full fee for the lesson remains payable regardless of the shortened duration.

3c Chronic Lateness: Repeated instances of tardiness may result in a review of the student’s enrollment status. Should a pattern of chronic lateness be established, ProTalent Hub reserves the right to impose penalties, including but not limited to suspension of lessons or termination of the student’s enrollment, without refund. The determination of chronic lateness and any associated penalties shall be at the sole discretion of ProTalent Hub.

4. Waiver and Release of Liability The Client acknowledges that participation in Studio activities, including but not limited to vocal and piano lessons, recitals, and performances, carries inherent risks. The Client voluntarily assumes all such risks and agrees that ProTalent Hub, its employees, and contractors shall not be held liable for any injuries, accidents, or damages that occur on Studio premises.

5. Health and Safety Policy

5a. Health Disclosure: The Client must inform the Studio of any health conditions that may impact their participation in classes. Failure to disclose such information may result in termination of services without refund.

5b. Compliance with Health Guidelines: The Studio adheres to all relevant local health regulations, including those related to COVID-19. The Client agrees to comply with these guidelines while on Studio premises. Non-compliance may result in the suspension of services.

6. Medical Consent In the event of a medical emergency, the Client authorizes ProTalent Hub staff to seek emergency medical treatment on their behalf. The Client agrees to bear full responsibility for any medical expenses incurred.

7. Studio Policy

7a. Punctuality: Clients must arrive on time for their scheduled sessions. Late arrivals may result in a reduced session length, and habitual tardiness may lead to the rescheduling of sessions at the Studio’s discretion.

7b. Respect for Studio Property: Clients are expected to treat all Studio property with care. Any damages caused by the Client will result in charges for repair or replacement.

7c. Behavior: Disruptive or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in the Client's immediate dismissal from the Studio without a refund.

8. Recording and Media Policy

8a. Safety Recordings The Client agrees that all sessions may be recorded by ProTalent Hub for safety, security and quality assurance purposes. These recordings are strictly for internal use and will not be shared with third parties unless required by law. The recordings will be stored securely and only accessed by authorized personnel in the event of a safety concern or legal obligation.

8b. Event Recordings The Client agrees to participate in video and audio recordings during recitals, performances, and special events hosted by the Studio. These recordings may be used by ProTalent Hub for marketing and promotional purposes across various platforms, including but not limited to the Studio's website, social media channels, and promotional materials. The Studio ensures that all usage will be respectful and appropriate, highlighting the Client's talents and achievements.

8c. Opt-Out Provision This Contract may be amended in writing with the mutual consent of both parties. Amendments may also be accepted by the Client through an acknowledgment pop-up on the Studio’s website or other software/payment platforms used by the company.

9. Privacy Policy ProTalent Hub collects and uses personal information solely for scheduling, marketing and communication purposes. The Studio will not share the Client’s data with third parties without explicit consent. All personal information is securely stored and accessible only to authorized personnel.

10. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) All proprietary techniques, methods, and materials taught at ProTalent Hub are confidential and intended exclusively for the Client’s personal use. The Client agrees not to share this information outside the Studio. Breach of this agreement may result in legal action.

11. Indemnification Clause The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless ProTalent Hub, its employees, and contractors from any claims, liabilities, or expenses (including legal fees) arising from the Client's participation in Studio activities.

12. Force Majeure ProTalent Hub is not liable for failure to fulfill its obligations under this Contract due to events beyond its control, including but not limited to natural disasters, pandemics, or governmental actions.

13. Termination Clause ProTalent Hub reserves the right to terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause. In such cases, the Client will be refunded for any unused prepaid sessions. Clients may also terminate the Contract with written notice, subject to the Studio’s cancellation and refund policies.

14. Dispute Resolution In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to first attempt to resolve the matter through good faith negotiations. If unresolved, the dispute will be submitted to mediation before pursuing legal remedies.

15. Governing Law This Contract is governed by the laws of the State of New York. Any disputes arising under this Contract will be resolved in accordance with New York law.

16. Entire Agreement This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Client and ProTalent Hub and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.

17. Severability If any provision of this Contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

18. Amendments This Contract may be amended in writing with mutual consent from both parties. Online amendments can be accepted by the Client through an acknowledgment pop-up on the Studio’s website or other software/payment programs the company uses. By purchasing services from Protalent LLC, the Client acknowledges and agrees to all terms and conditions of this Agreement.

19. Minors If the Client is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign this Contract. The parent or legal guardian agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions herein.

20. Client Responsibilities Clients are responsible for providing accurate and current contact information and ensuring they are physically and mentally fit to participate in Studio activities.

21. Client Equipment and Property The Studio is not responsible for any loss or damage to Clients' personal belongings, including instruments and accessories, while on Studio premises.

22. Testimonials and Reviews The Client consents to the use of their statements, testimonials, or reviews by ProTalent Hub for marketing purposes, with or without attribution.

23. Substitution of Instructors If the primary instructor is unavailable, the Studio reserves the right to provide a substitute instructor. The Client will be informed of any substitutions in advance when possible.

24. No Guarantee of Results The Studio does not guarantee specific outcomes from its classes. Progress depends on the Client’s individual effort, practice, and commitment.

25. Miscellaneous Provisions

25a. Headings: Headings in this Contract are for convenience and do not affect the interpretation of the terms.

25b. Counterparts: This Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which is considered part of the same document.

26. Duration of Agreement This Agreement remains in effect for the duration of the Client’s enrollment in Studio activities. Renewal terms are subject to mutual agreement.